Wairarapa Paragliding League
Dates: Saturday 15 December 2012 - Monday 17 December 2012
Sites: Dalefield, Mt Climie, Oystershell, Kourarau, Squires, Heights Rd and maybe even some new sites in northern Wairarapa!
Contact: Kris Ericksen
skf [AT] paradise.net.nz 02 11 16 45 58
Send Kris a text to be alerted as to where and when meeting points will be on the day.
Task format to be determined on the day.
Previous flight tracks from 2009 League on Leonardo for: Tasks will be one of the following:
Open Distance in any direction, or
Open Distance along an axis, or
Open Distance after one or more compulsory turnpoints. Open Distance Starts
Start from the ground. No timing taken. Window open and close times as per task board
2.11.9 Open Distance
Pilot score = TASK VALUE X SQRT (pilot distance / best distance)
Click "View Larger Map" below map to see list of all the meeting points.